THE DEIS IS COMING! The Surface Transportation Board’s Section of Environmental Analysis (SEA) will more than likely be releasing its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the proposed expansion of the Dakota, Minnesota and Eastern (DME) railroad as early as late July. The Eastside Pioneer Neighborhood Association needs to prepare for the release of the Draft EIS. Those of you who are already on record with the Surface Transportation Board (STB) should have received a postcard asking your format preference once it is released. The Draft EIS will be available for public review at a number of accesible locations, the public library etc.. In addition, the document will be available on the Surface Transportation Board’s web site (http://www.stb.dot.gov). Because of the size and scope of the project the Draft EIS will be quite large—over 2,000 pages and several volumes. It is for this reason that we are asking individuals who wish to review the Draft EIS to ask for more than the minimum allowed time of 45 days. We need adequate time to read, examine and respond to the Draft EIS. It is recommended that you ask for at least 4-6 months. What kinds of things should you look for in the Draft EIS once it is released? Individuals should review their own letters written to the STB to see if the problems brought up in those earlier letters were resolved. The STB should give alternatives, not just acknowledge the problems. We need to make sure that the STB has considered all the alternatives. The public should also be aware that Draft EIS may likely contain a recommendation regarding the "Agency’s Preferred Alternative" which may be different from the "Environmentally Preferred Alternative". It is vitally important that the public should pay particular attention to this distinction, and that comments should be directed to it. |